2024 Footage by the Golden State of Ty Andersen
As a lifelong artist, I view the creative arts as direct connection to our deeply human spirit & ancestral knowledge. I love to share the foundational truths that are revealed this path. These ideas guide us to a greater awareness of the dynamics of our optical experience, & an exploration of the uniquely human, spiritual insights developed along this mode of seeing.
Artists are a torch bearing lineage of symbol makers. Inquisitors, expressing the overlaps of philosophic ideation, total presence, & optical awareness. Art of the aim of representing & interpreting reality, is a grounding force – making momentary Buddhas of us all. The crafting of symbols that represent nature reveal to us the harmony between all things & allegiances of Nature’s elements. We are permitted sight into the grand inside joke; the essential oneness & separateness of life.
I aim to demystify elements of art, so that no one need devote lifetimes to discover these elusive, obvious truths- So that all may attain the expressive power of the artist, without its inseparably creative madness. So that if one truly feels the call to create, then every choice may be informed with their entire being; The expressiveness of body, the vastness of intellect, the character of spirit.
I paint outdoors to savor the experience of both the environment & my internal, creative state. This method of artmaking is, while perhaps quick to take form, a very still experience. I feel at peace, that everything is right, when I witness the truth of light & nature with love & honesty.
This Meditation's focus is of accurately expressing our optical experience while maintaining a playfulness that honors our individual temperament,
which reveals the patterns, rules, & relationships of Nature.
This Meditation is a Dance with Sensation & Expression.
In this art of acceptance, conclusions are formed & dismembered by life's infinite exceptions. This practice is an abandoning of preconceptions, a practice of elevating our awareness, & wholly witnessing the elusive obviousness of perception.
This is a Painter's Path to Zen.
This Meditation's focus is of accurately expressing our optical experience while maintaining a playfulness that honors our individual temperament,
which reveals the patterns, rules, & relationships of Nature.
This Meditation is a Dance with Sensation & Expression.
In this art of acceptance, conclusions are formed & dismembered by life's infinite exceptions. This practice is an abandoning of preconceptions, a practice of elevating our awareness, & wholly witnessing the elusive obviousness of perception.
This is a Painter's Path to Zen.